Solve the problem of oh-my-zsh plugin ‘zsh-autosuggestions’ not found and plugin ‘zsh-syntax-highlighting’ not found

When installing the zsh plugin zsh-autosuggestions or zsh-syntax-highlighting, we generally encounter the problem of oh-my-zsh plugin ‘xxx’ not found. Now, we analyze and solve the oh-my-zsh plugin ‘zsh-autosuggestions’ not found and plugin ‘zsh-syntax-highlighting’ not found problems.

The reason for the problem is that the code repository of the plug-in has not been cloned to the local location, so the plug-in you want is not actually installed.

Solving the problem is very simple, just simply enter the following command:

$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

$ source ~/.zshrc

You can then reopen the shell and find that the problem is resolved. You can also use this method to solve such problems with other plugins.